#YouthvsCOVID Built our confidence
The best strategy that I use to advance in life is to follow those who inspire me. Technology has formed a major portion of my inspiration-gaining journey. As I read more and study networking, programming, data science as a whole, my interest in this field develops and makes me thrive to learn about it even more. To find my passion for artificial intelligence I entered the YouthvsCOVID hackathon.
This hackathon was a great learning experience for me to explore how the real world works with artificial intelligence. Every team engaged in creating projects that for some of us was a first time experience. I hail from one of the smallest countries on Earth, Fiji. Participating and winning this hackathon alongside my team is more than a ‘dream come true’ because ranking high on the global scale is something that we do not hear very often. My participation in this hackathon has motivated me and I have gained more confidence to grow my knowledge about AI.
Furthermore, the skills that I have built, will surely be applicable to my future life pursuits. This hackathon has enabled me to activate my team work, corporation and innovative version. Learning from ethics and tech experts highlights the best part of online hacks. We are able to build models by coding, prototyping, with the level of knowledge that we have about programming languages — data science.
Our model, that was A-I Can Help focused on easing PPE distribution in the U.S., which at the moment many hospitals, manufacturers and firms are struggling to ease. Together with PPE, we expanded to include other essential supplies such as providing food for food banks as well. Large corporations have already said that they can help, but are unable to determine COVID severity in each state. We as a team came together to bring a solution to a real life situation- a pandemic that has made the lives of medical staff and individuals vulnerable. High schools and universities also offer such projects, but most of those projects do not pose serious impact to the economy as it is limited to mark sheet results.