Day 6
Teens grouped and up and set team goals. Each team were met with mentors that then helped them to progress their ideas with critical feedback. Teams were given time to build and was to prepare a 5 minute long pitch that they would then present in front of the mentors and other teams.
In preparation for the pitch, team were given the following statements/ questions to answer.
‘What is the problem you are solving?
What is the solution to the problem?
How did you come up with the solution?
Data that you need to help your solution
Responses from your data search
Does the research validates/ invalidates your solution?
What does solution look like?
What is your potential market?
How would you access that market?
Next steps’. Mentors challenged teams to start taking those further steps into finding out who really is their market and how they would be able to make revenue.
After pitches, teams had an inspirational talk by Nick Hatter
Originally published at Acorn Aspirations.